Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health (EBPH) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed, open-access journal that aims to provide evidence to serve as a basis for the difficult economic and financial choices now required in Public Health policy. Moreover, EBPH publishes epidemiology and biostatistics papers to contribute understanding and quantifying human health and disease, and hence impact on global public health
Information and submission: https://riviste.unimi.it/index.php/ebph
For previous version of the journal see BMSCE
Biomedical Statistics and Clinical Epidemiology (BMSCE) seeks to publish significant research on the development and application of statistical and epidemiological methods to problems arising from medicine and its applied sciences. The main aim of BMSCE, published four-monthly, is to improve dialogue among biostatisticians, clinicians and medical researchers, encouraging understanding of quantitative methods linked both to the problems that physicians face on a daily basis, and to the great challenges facing the modern public health that demand specific health policies.