Short course on concepts and methods in Causal Inference - Università Milano Bicocca

A short course on concepts and methods in Causal Inference - X Edition

Causal inference plays a predominant role in science. In epidemiology, the goal and the ambition of the most part of the researchers is to determine an unbiased estimate of the effect of being exposed to a given factor on a well-defined outcome (effectiveness, disease, death). In recent years, there have been important statistical developments that go beyond the traditional multivariable regression techniques. Aims of this course are to discuss the current state of the art with respect to these issues, while retaining a practical focus, and to assess our current and future abilities to address effectively cause-and-effect questions.

Responsabili scientifici:
Rino Bellocco (University of Milano-Bicocca , Karolinska Institutet)
Lorenzo Richiardi (University of Turin)
Laura Pazzagli (Karolinska Institutet)

Sede del corso: Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca

Date: dal 14 al 16 Dicembre 2021

Crediti formativi universitari:

Con il patrocinio SISMEC - quota di iscrizione ridotta (€ 250)  per i soci!

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