The 44th annual conference of the International Society of CLinical Biostatistics (ISCB44) will be held in Milan next August 27-31th.

The ISCB was founded in 1978 to stimulate research in the design and analysis of clinical research and increase the relevance of statistics to the world of clinical medicine.
Its Annual Conference is a highly appreciated academic event that attracts 700 to 1000 researchers from the 5 continents.
The Annual Conference programme extends over 5 days and includes teaching sessions, invited talks by specialists in the field, oral presentations of research papers, workshops, and poster displays.

As with previous ISCB annual conferences, there were talks on a wide range of statistical topics, such as recent advances in causal inference, competing risks and multi-state models, Longitudinal and correlated data, Machine learning and deep learning methods for health, Non parametric and semiparametric methods, Precision medicine, Prediction models, Real world data, efficient designs in clinical trials, and communicating research to the general public.

The scientific program was of interest to statisticians, clinicians and members of other disciplines related to clinical practice, such as epidemiologists and statistical geneticists.

Organizers: University of Milano Bicocca

Dates: August 37-31, 2023

Where: University of Milano Bicocca

Link to the webpage: url

Deadline for abstract submission: March 10th, 2023 [link to the webpage]

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